Our trainings are undergoing updates, please check back soon!

Federal Scheduling Academy - Construction Schedule Training for Contractors and Government Employees
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Understand the what, why, and how behind the unique scheduling requirements for military and federal construction so you can successfully:

Construction Schedule Training for Contractors and Government USACE NAVFAC AFCEC NASA VA


Execute as the contractor, or

Review as the government

“100% recommended for anyone involved in developing or reviewing project schedules.” 

- Government Attendee

“Tactical, actionable, and I recommend to anyone working with MILCON schedules.”


- Government Attendee

“A great resource for our team as we navigate the scheduling requirements.”


– Contractor Attendee

Federal Scheduling Academyâ„¢

Construction Schedule Training for Contractors and Government Employees 


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

Air Force Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Office of Construction & Facilities Management - Veteran's Affairs (VA)

Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC)


This construction scheduling training refers to the UFGS 01 32 01.00 10 specifications, used by federal agencies including:

Federal Scheduling Academyâ„¢ provides a highly specialized framework to rapidly increase the quality of your scheduling work while saving you time with actionable tools.

Hi, I'm Diane.

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Successfully execute or review key military and federal scheduling requirements after understanding their what, why, and how.

Streamline your scheduling work with easy-to-follow, step-by-step systems while increasing the quality and saving you time.

Put what you’ve learned into action right away with our proprietary framework and tools.

Diane Bragoni

And after 18 years of supporting more than $4B of complex, mission-critical, and Mega project construction in support of U.S. agencies across the globe...

I’ve created a highly specialized scheduling framework with actionable tools that allow you in 2 days to successfully execute scheduling requirements as the contractor, or review as the government.

In Federal Scheduling Academyâ„¢ I’ll show you how to:

I've been there.

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Struggling with submitting a compliant schedule to the government and having issues with your progress payments?

Unclear on what the scheduling requirements are and how to execute them so your schedules can be accepted?

Overwhelmed with the extent of schedule requirements you need to review and analyze with your schedules, and not sure where to start?

In need of a schedule review framework and tools to increase the quality of your work while saving you time?

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As the government, are you:

As the construction contractor, are you:

If you’ve worked with military or federal construction projects, you may have already seen the different scheduling requirements than the private sector.

This is due to a greater level of oversight and to ensure schedules properly interface with the government’s project management systems.

If schedule requirements are overlooked or not executed correctly, you could end up with schedule rejections, project issues, or delays in progress payments.

“This training is different from other schedule trainings because of how specialized it is for government construction projects.” 

– Government Attendee

“I highly recommend this course and also find that in a very short time you are taught all that is necessary concisely and clearly.”

– Contractor Attendee

“This course took me from nearly zero to competent in project scheduling.”

– Government Attendee

Module 4:

Key Requirements: SDEF, Costs, and P6

Module 2:

Primavera P6 Functions

Module 5:

Schedule Checklists and Tools

Module 3:

Key Requirements: Activities and Logic

Module 1:

Scheduling Concepts Fundamentals

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Federal Scheduling Academyâ„¢ provides a step-by-step, systematized approach to scheduling that is easy to follow.

With each lesson, you’re provided actionable tools so you can put into action what you’ve learned right away.

Discover how you can successfully execute or review schedules for military and federal construction in just 2 days.

Put everything you’ve learned into action with our schedule checklists, P6 schedule template files, and other downloads. Learn specific requirements for:

  • Preliminary Project Schedule
  • Initial Schedule
  • Periodic Schedule Updates

Module 5:

Schedule Checklists and Tools

Continuing with SDEF, costs, and P6 -  understand the what, why, and how behind these key requirements.

  • Standard Data Exchange Format (SDEF)
  • Cost Loading and CLIN Balancing
  • S-Curves
  • P6 Mandatory Requirements

Module 4:

Key Scheduling Requirements - SDEF, Costs, and P6

Understand the what, why, and how behind key schedule requirements related to activities and logic so you can execute as the contractor or review as the government.

  • Level of Detail and Mandatory Tasks
  • Milestones and Constraints
  • Float and Early Completion
  • Schedule Logic
  • Considerations for Design-Build
  • Schedule Calendars and Weather Considerations

Module 3:

Key Scheduling Requirements - Activities and Logic

Comfortably navigate through P6 and use functions for creating, updating, or reviewing a project schedule while developing your own workflow for productivity.

  • Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) and Importing/Exporting in P6
  • P6 Interface and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  • P6 Filters and Layouts
  • Critical Path and Top Float Paths in P6

Module 2:

Primavera P6 Functions

Gain a solid understanding of scheduling concepts that serve as the backbone for the requirements, including:

  • Precedence Diagram Method
  • Activities
  • Logic
  • Critical Path

Module 1:

Scheduling Concepts Fundamentals

Course Curriculum

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On-Demand, Lifetime Access of Video and PDF Lessons

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22 High Quality Video Lessons

Divided into 5 sharply focused modules, each lesson has a video and written lesson. 

Downloadable PDF Versions of Each Lesson

Every lesson comes with a downloadable PDF written lesson. Additional downloads include Cheat Sheets, Guides, and Workbooks.

Instant and Lifetime Access

With instant and lifetime access, you can go through this training at the pace that works for you and refer back whenever you need.

Federal Scheduling Academyâ„¢ provides a step-by-step, systemized approach to scheduling that is easy to follow and without any fluff.

With each lesson, you’re provided actionable tools so you can put what you’re learned into action right away.

Here’s what you get:


Construction Schedule Training for Contractors and Government USACE NAVFAC AFCEC NASA VA
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Cheat Sheets, Guides, Workbooks, and more

Throughout the lessons, there are cheat sheets, guides, and workbooks, and more provided to serve as quick go-to reference guides. 

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Schedule Narrative Template

This Schedule Narrative Template is a fully editable word document that has been formatted for the narrative requirements of the scheduling specification.

This template includes a detailed table of contents, guided example topics and snapshots throughout.

P6 Filters and Layouts Bundle

These P6 filters and layouts are formatted for views related to schedule logic, costs, critical path, and float paths.

Use these filters and layouts as the contractor to aide with your schedule development and updating, and as the government to review and analyze your schedules.

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The Tools

P6 Schedule Template File Bundle

These P6 schedule template files incorporate key requirements discussed throughout the program. There is a template file for a design-bid-build project, and also a design-build project.

Use these template files as the contractor for a starting point when developing your project schedule, and as the government for internal scheduling.

The template files include the following:

  • Fully developed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  • Example Milestones, Task-Dependent Activities, and Logic
  • Example Mandatory Tasks
  • Compliance with Float Requirements
  • Compliance with Schedule Logic
  • Project-Level Calendars through 2030
  • Project-Level Activity Coding Structure for SDEF
  • Compliance with P6 Mandatory Requirements
  • Example Cost Loading and CLIN Balancing

Schedule Review Checklist Bundle

These checklists serve as detailed and comprehensive review tools that cover the key requirements discussed throughout the program.

Use these checklists as the contractor to make sure your schedules meet the requirements prior to submitting, and as the government to review and analyze your schedules.

  • Preliminary Schedule Checklist
  • Initial (or Baseline) Schedule Checklist
  • Periodic Schedule Update Checklist

Dedicated Virtual One-on-One 60 Minute Training Session

Want to dive deeper into any of the lessons, or get tailored support specific to your needs?

Valued at $397, this bonus one-on-one session with Diane allows you go in-depth into any scheduling topic of your choice.

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Example Guide: How to Review a P6 Schedule Log
Video: How to Review a P6 Schedule Log for Military and Federal Construction Projects - USACE, NAVFAC, AFCEC, NASA, VA

Download this Federal Scheduling Academyâ„¢ guide to see how to use the Schedule Log to quickly identify errors and compliance issues.

This video walks through how to review a schedule log after understanding key schedule requirements related to activities, logic, cost, SDEF, and P6.

A Sneak Peak:
Guide - How to Review a P6 Schedule Log

“This course introduced me to scheduling in a very clear, informative, and engaging way.

I had no prior knowledge at all, but that was not necessary because the training builds up step by step.

What I learned from it was enough to get started right away.”

 – Contractor Attendee

I found the guides and checklists especially useful to put what I learned from the lessons to use right away.” 

– Government Attendee

“This training was very informative! 

The modules were broken up well into videos that were packed with useful information but brief enough to keep you engaged. 

The PDF downloads are a great addition for use in referencing during and after the training is completed.” 

– Contractor Attendee

“This training is considerably the most valuable training for project managers (government reviewers and contractor preparers). 

 It outlines the requirements for scheduling on government contracts and how they should be reviewed and prepared.  

This course is easy to understand and follow at your own pace – strongly recommend as an initial introduction to scheduling and a refresher on a yearly occurrence.” 

– Government Attendee

“This training is different from other schedule trainings because of how specialized it is for government construction projects. 

It breaks down the requirements in easy-to-understand formats without superfluous information.  

I have used and cited this training in nearly every project I have worked on since. 

“The Federal Scheduling Academy training courses have been (and will continue to be) a great resource for our team as we navigate the requirements for our USACE projects. 

There are clear and applicable training modules for us to quickly understand and reference while setting up and analyzing our project schedule. 

Having come from prior projects and experience with P6 / CPM techniques, none however in the federal realm, Diane was able to provide great clarity and explanations that accompanying the dense projects specs/requirements related to scheduling.” 

– Contractor Attendee

“The content in this training is extremely relevant for all people who utilize schedules on USACE projects. 

This course is extremely valuable for anyone wanting to broaden their knowledge of construction schedules, USACE scheduling requirements, and the application of scheduling techniques on the job.” 

– Government Attendee

“As a Federal Project Manager with a background in design (not construction), my previous understanding of scheduling was elementary, and I did not feel equipped to adequately review baseline and progress update schedules.

Diane refreshes the fundamentals of schedule logic and then teaches each portion of the UFGS scheduling specification to a perfect level of complexity for Federal projects.

Beyond the lessons, the downloadable checklists, cheat sheets, and templates are incredibly useful.

100% recommend for Contractors and Government representatives involved in the developing or reviewing of project schedules.”

– Government Attendee

30-day money back guarantee


Access today for just a one-time payment of 


Here's What You're Getting:

Federal Scheduling Academyâ„¢ Online Course and Tools Lifetime Access ($4,997 value)

Bonus: Dedicated One-On-One 60 Minute Virtual Training Session ($397 value)

Total Value: $5,394

Construction Schedule Training for Contractors and Government USACE NAVFAC AFCEC NASA VA
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Who is this course for?

This course is for government employees and construction contractors who are involved with schedules for military and federal construction projects.

This includes schedulers, project engineers, office engineers, quality assurance/quality control representatives, modification negotiators, project managers, and those in leadership roles.

We recommend setting aside 15 hours to get through this course. With 5 modules, this leaves you 3 hours per module to get through the videos, written lessons, and become familiar with the tools provided.

Since this is a self-directed course though, you can go at the pace that works for you – diving into everything at one time, or bit-by-bit.

Once you purchase, you have immediate and lifetime access.

Whether you’re new to scheduling or an experienced professional, this program has you covered. The first two modules cover scheduling concepts and P6 fundamentals which serve as the backbone for the following modules.

For seasoned professionals, this training sharpens your skills, fills in any gaps, and provides the tools to streamline your work and make your job easier.

A contractually compliant and quality construction schedule is the most powerful tool to help your projects run smoothly and finish on time. Military and federal construction projects have a greater level of schedule oversight than private sector projects, and also have specific performance requirements to interface with the government’s project management systems.

If schedule requirements aren’t executed correctly, you could end up with schedule rejections, project issues, or delays in progress payments.

Because Federal Scheduling Academyâ„¢ provides a step-by-step, systematized approach with tools to apply what you’ve learned right away, you’ll see results immediately upon finishing each lesson.

The tools include Cheat Sheets, Guides, Checklists, Workbooks, P6 Template Files, P6 Layout Files, Word and Excel Template Files, and more.

My name is Diane Bragoni, and over the past 18 years I’ve supported more than $4B of complex, mission-critical, and Mega project construction in support of U.S. agencies across the globe.

Having experienced scheduling challenges from both the government and contractor perspectives, I created this program to offer the framework and tools I’ve developed over years of trial and error, working out the kinks, and continue to use every day which has increased the quality of my work while streamlining my time and efforts.

To support your learning, each lesson comes with a video and written PDF so you can use the method of learning that works best for you, or both. You can watch each lesson as many times as you need and download the written PDFs to easily refer back to.

As a bonus offering, you also get a dedicated One-On-One 60 minute virtual training with me within 6 months of the course purchase to dive into any scheduling topics of your choice.

No problem. When you purchase this program, you’re protected by our 30 day no-risk money back guarantee. If for any reason you decide this program isn’t right for you, just let us know within 30 days and we’ll give you a 100% refund.

It’s a risk-free investment on your end.

Yes. When you complete the program, a certificate of completion will be emailed to you.

Click here to go to the enrollment page, and we accept commercial and government credit cards. If you prefer to use another form of payment, reach us at connect@cpm-ss.com.

Absolutely. The Federal Scheduling Academyâ„¢ course platform (Kajabi) uses Stripe to process credit cards. Stripe is a certified PCI Service Provider Level 1, the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.

Reach us at connect@cpm-ss.com.

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Federal Scheduling Academy


22 High Quality Video Lessons

Downloadable PDF Versions of Each Lesson

Schedule Review Checklist Bundle

P6 Schedule Template File Bundle

Schedule Narrative Template

P6 Filters and Layouts Bundle

Guides, Cheat Sheets, Workbooks, and more!

Instant and Lifetime Access

Dedicated Virtual One-On-One 60 Minute Training Session


Construction Schedule Training for Contractors and Government USACE NAVFAC AFCEC NASA VA

Federal Scheduling Academyâ„¢ is not to be considered an official interpretation or enforcement policy of the UFGS standard specifications. As individual project requirements vary, refer to your specific contract. See our Terms and Conditions and Disclaimer for additional information.

Free Checklist


Quickly confirm your USACE schedule’s cost loading accuracy and compliance, whether you're the government or contractor.

USACE Schedule Cost Loading Checklist

Starting with a new software can be quite intimidating, and Primavera P6 is no exception, especially if you're a newcomer. Traditional training methods can involve lengthy sessions, travel, and...
How to Learn Primavera P6 Quickly

How to Learn Primavera P6 Quickly: A Beginner's Guide

Successful alignment of the project schedule and quality control system ensures a smooth start of the first phase of the 3 Phase Quality Control system. Also, it enables accurate monitoring of...
USACE Schedule and Quality Control

USACE Series Part 2: 

Schedule and Quality Control

USACE Cost Loaded Project Schedule

USACE Series Part 1: 

Schedule and Progress Payments

The Schedule of Values and Construction Schedule are combined into a single Cost-Loaded Project Schedule, used to determine progress payments and provide placement projections...
Small Business CPM Schedule



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Offices located in West Granby, CT, and Forest Hill, MD

Founded in 2018 to specialize in schedule consulting and training for military construction.

CPM Schedule Solutions LLC

Copyright 2024 CPM Schedule Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Contact Us


Receive practical, actionable training and tools, including specialized templates and instruction for military and federal construction projects.

Have any questions? 

We'd love to hear from you.

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Templates and Free Resources

Get started for free with our collection of resources, downloads, and in-depth articles, and paid templates.


Feel confident in your project schedule by ensuring it’s reliable, contractually compliant, and utilized as a tool to minimize risk.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help:

This blog is for general informational purposes only and is not to be considered an official interpretation or enforcement policy of the UFGS standard specifications. As individual project requirements vary, refer to your specific contract. See our Terms and Conditions and Disclaimer for additional information.